Saturday, June 28, 2008

Democrats helping Democrats: Clinton's Debt

It's a longstanding tradition for winning campaigns to pay off the debt of other rivals in the primaries. To make it seem like Obama is magnanimous in asking supporters to do this for Clinton is absurd. Another media hyped story which is fodder and not news.

Excerpt from MSNBC: Obama's finance team has expanded since he secured the nomination earlier this month, providing a broad base of potential assistance to Clinton. At least 200 fundraisers attended the campaign's national finance meeting in Chicago last week. Scores were unable to attend, one participant said.

In urging his top fundraisers to help Clinton, Obama was counting on them to seek out their pool of donors to raise the money in large increments. Donors who have not contributed to Clinton's campaign could give up to $2,300 to help her pay off her debts.

It remained to be seen whether Obama would make a similar appeal to his Internet donors, a vast network of small-dollar contributors who helped Obama shatter fundraising records during the primary contests. As of the end of May, Obama had raised more than $287 million.

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