Monday, June 2, 2008

Count All the Votes: It's Democratic

Obama and Clinton have now both fought to have the votes of Florida and Michigan counted... It seems that Obama has once again followed Clinton's example. (Remember that for months he has fought against their votes being counted, against their delegations being seated, and against a re-vote!)

However, Obama has gone a step further, by trying to illegally have votes awarded to him which were not cast for him in Michigan.

If you are going to comment about the issue of counting the votes, remember that Obama is a Constitutional Attorney, a Civil Rights Activist and a Democrat. He should be defending these voters, and ensuring their votes are PROPERLY ALLOCATED-- regardless of whether the outcome does him harm.

He has chosen not to defend the voters. He has chosen to put his own interest in front of the will of the voters. He chose to, with the help of his attorneys, take his name off the Ballot in Michigan. Now he has chosen to steal votes from the electorate which were not cast for him.

You should actually read the rules. As a Delegate to the Convention in Denver, I assure you I have read them. And now that the entire delegations have been allowed to attend (currently with 1/2 vote) they are rightly intending to seek restoration to full votes via the Credentials Committee.

Afterall, what is the Convention for? To chose a candidate. Let them all represent their states-- Obama can't cut their votes to 1/2 when it comes time to run against McCain. Let them vote. What kind of a Civil Rights Activist, Constitutional Lawyer, Democrat is this guy to try to take away their votes? He didn't want them to re-vote, because it would have gone down as TWO LOSSESS of MAJOR STATES, with MAJOR AMOUNTS OF VOTES GOING TO CLINTON'S POPULAR VOTE LEAD. Instead he's playing dirty, and the media is ignoring the rules and ignoring what his campaign and attorneys are doing. They are playing his talking points instead of reporting the truth.

Anyone who thinks this is over, or that Obama has completely won this -- is ignoring 17-million voters who have voted for Clinton. 17-million Democrats that Obama NEEDS for the General Election. If he steals votes to get the nomination, that is NOT going to set well with the 50-percent of the Democrats who have voted AGAINST Obama.

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