Monday, June 9, 2008

Delegate Conference Call with Hillary

Tonite there was a very informative conference call with Hillary Clinton, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, Senior Adviser Harold Ickes, and Hillary's Delegates to the DNC National Convention. She reiterated her support for Barack Obama. She also drew attention to her groundbreaking campaign and her continued dedication to ensuring a Democrat is elected to the White House so that her goals of Universal Healthcare, Better Jobs, Increased Safety at home and abroad and womens issues are at the forefront of the Democratic platform.

She urged us to "keep the faith" yet to integrate to win in November. She repeated again that she is "profoundly grateful" to her delegation, her family and her supporters.

Harold Ickes took several questions from delegates, who continued to press upon him the division in the party, and continued support for Hillary. One thing that he pointed out, which many have wondered about, is the reasoning behind the "suspending" of the campaign, rather than the complete withdrawl. Mr. Ickes pointed out that there are still over 300 delegates yet to be nominated at the State levels, with over 190 of those which would require reallocating if she withdrew. It was stated that there was the expectation that all of Hillary's delegates remain involved in the Convention and be allowed to participate-- which includes those which have yet to be nominated or appointed.

While I did not get the opportunity to pose my question and comment to Mr. Ickes, it was related to my desire to see the full seating of the Florida and Michigan delegations, with the restoration of full voting priveledges, and to further reallocate and restore the 4 Pledged Delegates which the Rules Committee stripped from Clinton, and to restore the "Undecided" Delegates to their proper "Undecided" status, and to remove them from Senator Obama's Delegation. Our desire is to go to the Credentials Committee for this request, which it should have no problem in granting, since it poses no threat to Obama at this point, since he has secured the votes of many turncoat PLEO SuperDelegates. This proper reallocation of delegates will restore Clinton's true role and standing in history. This desire is likely shared by all of the Clinton Delegation.

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