Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let North Carolina Vote!

My letter to Senator Leahy

Sen. Leahy,

As a longtime financial supporter of local Democrats, the DNC, and the DCCC, I find it troubling that you and other leaders of the Democratic Party are attempting to unduly influence our elections in North Carolina. Your recent call for Sen. Hillary Clinton to pull out of the race for the presidency is destructive to our democratic process.

It is leaders like you and Howard Dean who are trying to disenfranchise voters who have yet to vote, and voters who have already voted. It is leaders like you who are destroying our Democratic Party. You are allowing Independents and Republicans to come into the Democratic Party "for a day" and cast a FALSE vote for Barack Obama in an attempt to subvert the actual will of the Democratic Party.

Let North Carolina voters vote.

If we, as a Party, were to award our Delegates in a "winner takes all" election, the FACT is that Hillary Clinton would already be our Nominee. This fact is telling of the fraud that you and other leaders are attempting to commit in this election.

I respectfully request that you refrain from ending this Primary, and refrain from calling for either candidate to pull out of this election process. Let our votes be counted. Let ALL our votes be counted, including Florida and Michigan, and all of the voters who have yet to vote in this Primary. Then let the Delegates VOTE for their choice for President. It is the will OF THE PEOPLE. NOT THE WILL OF THE DNC LEADERS!

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