Monday, March 24, 2008

Clinton: "Freeze Interest Rates" in 2007! Obama STILL Opposes!

Hillary Clinton: Leadership on The Economy

Hillary called for a foreclosure timeout on March 15, 2007. In a speech to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Hillary calls for a "foreclosure timeout, during which borrowers will have the opportunity to put their financial houses in order and to work out a payment plan." [Speech, 3/15/07]

Bush administration follows Hillary's lead 11 months and 2.4 million foreclosures later. [USA Today, 2/12/08]

Hillary called for a five year freeze on interest rates on December 5, 2007. Hillary calls on the Administration to negotiate a freeze in interest rates of at least 5 years for all subprime mortgages to give the housing market time to stabilize and families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes. [CNN, 12/5/07]

Bush administration follows the next day with weaker proposal. [AP, 12/6/07]

Sen. Obama still opposes, placing him to the right of Bush administration. [Obama Release, 2/20/08]

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