"I don't give a riff about all this name-calling that's going on. They've been going on ever since Iowa. I've heard them say all these things about her,” Bill Clinton said. “Apparently it's okay to say bad things about a girl."
Read Bill's defense of Hillary.
And DON'T FORGET, check out the comments of the readers. There's a few who disagree, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who wants to see everyone have a chance to vote. Here's a sample of reader comments:
The truth hurts March 26th, 2008 5:18 pm ET
"In spite of the best efforts of a lot of the elites in the media and other places it looks like we are gonna have an opportunity for everybody to vote in this primary, and I think your vote should be counted, don't you?
so does that mean if Hillary was ahead he wouldn't want to end the race because all votes need to be counted. Well come on back Joe Biden, John Edwards, and the rest of you guys - Bill Clinton said let you decide.
Dayahka March 26th, 2008 5:20 pm ET
He's right. Give people a chance to vote. At the end, however, on June 4, someone will be ahead; let that someone be the nominee.
Bob March 26th, 2008 5:22 pm ET
I love him. McCain wishes he could talk that straight.
Isaac, Wisconsin March 26th, 2008 5:22 pm ET
Keep up the good work Bill. Go Hillary Go Hillary…
Liz, Pittsburgh PA March 26th, 2008 5:22 pm ET
Go Bill !!!
This is why I love the Clinton's !!!
I have been saying this all along
let the best/toughest man or woman win!!!
Hillary '08
Democracy First March 26th, 2008 5:23 pm ET
The only people hurting the Democratic party are those who are trying to stop the process from continuing. No candidate has enough pledged delegates to win, so the process continues according to party rules. Every democrat should have a vote and those votes should be counted (including Florida and Michigan). People who are telling a candidate to drop out are circumventing the process and laying blame when there is no fault. Let's give democracy a chance. Stop trying to crown Obama when he has not won.
Thomas For Hillary March 26th, 2008 5:24 pm ET
Well said Bill, couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes I wonder if Hillary has more (you know what) than Obama. She is a warrior and fighter NOT A QUITTER. Go Hillary!!
Hillary 2008!!
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