Monday, March 31, 2008
Maya Angelou Supports Hillary
Celebrating Women: A Note from Dr. Maya Angelou
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
This is not the first time you have seen Hillary Clinton seemingly at her wits end, but she has always risen, always risen, much to the dismay of her adversaries and the delight of her friends.
Hillary Clinton will not give up on you and all she asks of you is that you do not give up on her.
There is a world of difference between being a woman and being an old female. If you’re born a girl, grow up, and live long enough, you can become an old female. But, to become a woman is a serious matter. A woman takes responsibility for the time she takes up and the space she occupies.
Hillary Clinton is a woman. She has been there and done that and has still risen. She is in this race for the long haul. She intends to make a difference in our country.
She is the prayer of every woman and man who long for fair play, healthy families, good schools, and a balanced economy.
She declares she wants to see more smiles in the families, more courtesies between men and women, more honesty in the marketplace. Hillary Clinton intends to help our country to what it can become.
She means to rise.
She means to help our country rise. Don’t give up on her, ever.
In fact, if you help her to rise, you will rise with her and help her make this country a wonderful, wonderful place where every man and every woman can live freely without sanctimonious piety, without crippling fear.
Rise Hillary.
Obama: “There is no place for politics in this debate – no room for those who feel they can gain a partisan advantage by keeping people away from the
“There are some issues in this country that are inherently difficult and political. Making sure that every American can cast a ballot shouldn't be one of them. There is no place for politics in this debate--no room for those who feel that they can gain a partisan advantage by keeping people away from the polls.” [Obama Floor Speech on Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2007, S 453, 1/31/07]
Obama ad touts his work as a ‘civil rights attorney to make sure that everybody's vote counted.’
“OBAMA: “From the time that I moved to Chicago to be a community organizer. Working as a civil rights attorney to make sure that everybody's vote counted. In each instance, there were naysayers who said it couldn't be done, but when millions of voices join together and insist on change, change happens and that's what we have to do in this election." [Obama ad, “Hope and Change,” 11/20/07]
Obama: ‘One of our most sacred rights as Americans is the right to make our voice heard at the polls.’
"’One of our most sacred rights as Americans is the right to make our voice heard at the polls,’ said Obama. ‘But too often, we hear reports of mysterious phone calls and mailers arriving just days before an election that seek to mislead and threaten voters to keep them from the polls. And those who engage in these deceptive and underhanded campaign tactics usually target voters living in minority or low-income neighborhoods. This legislation would ensure that for the first time, these incidents are fully investigated and that those found guilty are punished.’" [Obama Statement on Legislation to Prevent Election Fraud, 11/8/05]
SurveyUSA: Clinton Crushing Obama, 58 - 29 Percent
SurveyUSA: Obama Not Competitive in Kentucky
A new SurveyUSA poll in Kentucky shows Sen. Hillary Clinton crushing Sen. Barack Obama, 58% to 29%, in the closed Democratic primary to be held on May 20.
Key findings: Clinton leads narrowly in greater Louisville, but leads decisively in other parts of the state, including 4:1 in Eastern KY. Obama trails by 20 among men, trails by 37 among women.
A new SurveyUSA poll in Kentucky shows Sen. Hillary Clinton crushing Sen. Barack Obama, 58% to 29%, in the closed Democratic primary to be held on May 20.
Key findings: Clinton leads narrowly in greater Louisville, but leads decisively in other parts of the state, including 4:1 in Eastern KY. Obama trails by 20 among men, trails by 37 among women.
Obama's Kenyan Cousin's Bid for Presidency and Violent Elections in Kenya
Not wanting to just spread hateful misinformation, I have not posted the following information until it was confirmed with reliable sources that it is correct and true.
Read the article
Read about the author.
We've all been waiting for more fodder for the Repubican opposition to Obama. Well here it is. Obama's cousin in Kenya is seeking to be president there. And violence is the means to an end:
Former Clinton aides currently working for Obama were the “mutual acquaintances” who directed Dick Morris to Kenya to advise the Odinga campaign in November of 2007, shortly after Odinga visited with Obama in America. Morris was an extremely divisive factor in the Kenyan elections, as a foreigner, a white man, and the creator of an antagonistic “have vs. have nots” campaign platform for Odinga’s ODM. He also suggested the current campaign of civil disobedience to protest the election result, including a “Million Person March”, a la Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
When things got out of hand following the election, Obama called Odinga repeatedly, but Mwai Kibaki, the leader of the Government would not return his calls as he perceives Obama to be biased toward his Luo relative Odinga in the conflict. Obama is featured prominently in ODM campaign posters, slogans, and songs in Kenya, and the plaintive phrase “A Luo will become President in America before a Luo will become President in Kenya” is often heard.
Obama also is providing the Republicans with the equivalent of an ammunition dump for destroying his candidacy should he become the nominee. The following articles are a preview of shit storm that will be unleashed on Obama.
Jerusalem Post:
But even in this atmosphere Obama stands out - for not only does he theoretically support appeasement, he is actively advancing the interests of Islamists seeking to take control over a state allied with the US.
Kenya currently teeters at the edge of political chaos and civil war in the wake of the disputed Dec. 27 presidential elections. Those elections pitted incumbent President Mwai Kibaki against Raila Odinga who leads the Orange Democratic Movement. While the polls showed the public favoring Odinga, Kibaki was declared the winner. Odinga rejected the results and his supporters have gone on rampages throughout the country that have killed some 700 people so far. Fifty people were murdered when a pro-Odinga mob set ablaze a church in which they were hiding.
Kibaki is close ally of the US in the war against Islamic terror. In stark contrast, Odinga is an ally of Islamic extremists. On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya’s pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, “Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists.”
Daniel Johnson, NY Sun:
Who is behind these massacres? The opposition leader, Raila Odinga, has had a good press in the West, after he accused the president, Mwai Kibaki, of rigging the election. But the victims of the recent violence have mostly been members of Mr. Kibaki’s tribe, the Kikuyu, while those who have gone berserk are supporters of Mr. Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement, which is dominated by the rival Luo tribe.
Whether Mr. Odinga has ordered his men to commit murder and arson is unclear. But his own background does not exactly suggest enthusiasm for democracy and the rule of law. Mr. Odinga’s father, Oginga Odinga, led the Communist opposition during the Cold War and Raila Odinga was educated in Communist East Germany.
Obama Subverts Democratic Vote in Pennsylvania
I have long maintained that Obama is trying to subvert the will of the Democratic Party by using Indpendents and Republicans as "Democrats for a Day." Here is an excerpt from Time Magazine.
Read the article.
"Pennsylvania's April 22 closed primary — in which only registered Democrats may vote — is a problem for Obama, who has done better in states where Republicans and Independents can just show up at polls and register on-site. In an attempt to compensate, the Obama campaign for weeks has been running a quiet but massive effort in Pennsylvania to register tens of thousands of new Democrats, many of them traditional Independents and Republicans but also new voters. To the exclusion of virtually all else, his 150 campaign staffers and more than 2,000 volunteers across 25 offices have focused the power of Obama's grassroots organization on the registration effort, which ended at midnight Monday night when the state closed its books."
Read the article.
"Pennsylvania's April 22 closed primary — in which only registered Democrats may vote — is a problem for Obama, who has done better in states where Republicans and Independents can just show up at polls and register on-site. In an attempt to compensate, the Obama campaign for weeks has been running a quiet but massive effort in Pennsylvania to register tens of thousands of new Democrats, many of them traditional Independents and Republicans but also new voters. To the exclusion of virtually all else, his 150 campaign staffers and more than 2,000 volunteers across 25 offices have focused the power of Obama's grassroots organization on the registration effort, which ended at midnight Monday night when the state closed its books."
Saturday, March 29, 2008
22% of Democrats Want Clinton to Drop Out; 22% Say Obama Should Withdraw
Read the article
Rasmussen: 22% of Democrats Want Clinton to Drop Out; 22% Say Obama Should Withdraw
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Twenty-two percent (22%) of Democratic voters nationwide say that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that an identical number—22%--say that Barack Obama should drop out.
A solid majority of Democrats, 62%, aren’t ready for either candidate to leave the race. Nationally, Clinton and Obama are running essentially even among Likely Democratic Primary Voters in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
Forty-seven percent (47%) of Obama supporters think Clinton should drop out. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Clinton supporters say Obama should drop out. Those who remain undecided are a bit more likely to suggest that Obama should leave. But, it’s worth noting that less than half of Obama supporters say Clinton should withdraw, less than half of Clinton supporters say Obama should withdraw, and less than half of undecided voters say either should withdraw at this time.
Clinton leads Obama in Pennsylvania while Obama leads Clinton in North Carolina. New polling released today show that both candidates have lost ground in Missouri to Republican John McCain over the past month.
Interestingly, Republicans are more eager to see Clinton drop out rather than Obama. Forty-one percent (41%) of GOP voters say the former First Lady should withdraw while just 24% say the same about the Senator from Illinois. Among unaffiliated voters, 30% say Clinton should drop out while 25% say the same about Obama.
Six percent (6%) of Democrats would like both Clinton and Obama to drop out of the race.
The national telephone survey also found that 85% of all Democrats—and 87% of all voters—believe it is at least somewhat likely the Democratic nomination will remain unresolved until the Democratic convention in August. Fifty-two percent (52%) of all Democrats believe that a decision at the convention is Very Likely.
Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters say that Barack Obama would be the stronger general election candidate against John McCain. Thirty-five percent (35%) say Clinton would provide the bigger challenge. Among Democratic voters, 47% say Obama would be the stronger candidate while 42% say Clinton. Both Democrats currently trail John McCain nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
Fifty-four percent (54%) of all voters say that Obama is likely to win the nomination. Twenty-four percent (24%) say Clinton is the likely nominee while 22% are not sure. Among Democrats 52% expect Obama to win while 28% say Clinton.
Overall, the race for the White House remains very competitive. The Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator shows Democrats leading in states with 200 Electoral Votes while the GOP has the advantage in states with 189. When “leaners” are added, the Democrats lead 247 to 240. A Rasmussen Reports video analysis notes that while John McCain has had a great month of March, it takes a good day in November to win the White House.
Rasmussen: 22% of Democrats Want Clinton to Drop Out; 22% Say Obama Should Withdraw
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Twenty-two percent (22%) of Democratic voters nationwide say that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that an identical number—22%--say that Barack Obama should drop out.
A solid majority of Democrats, 62%, aren’t ready for either candidate to leave the race. Nationally, Clinton and Obama are running essentially even among Likely Democratic Primary Voters in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
Forty-seven percent (47%) of Obama supporters think Clinton should drop out. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Clinton supporters say Obama should drop out. Those who remain undecided are a bit more likely to suggest that Obama should leave. But, it’s worth noting that less than half of Obama supporters say Clinton should withdraw, less than half of Clinton supporters say Obama should withdraw, and less than half of undecided voters say either should withdraw at this time.
Clinton leads Obama in Pennsylvania while Obama leads Clinton in North Carolina. New polling released today show that both candidates have lost ground in Missouri to Republican John McCain over the past month.
Interestingly, Republicans are more eager to see Clinton drop out rather than Obama. Forty-one percent (41%) of GOP voters say the former First Lady should withdraw while just 24% say the same about the Senator from Illinois. Among unaffiliated voters, 30% say Clinton should drop out while 25% say the same about Obama.
Six percent (6%) of Democrats would like both Clinton and Obama to drop out of the race.
The national telephone survey also found that 85% of all Democrats—and 87% of all voters—believe it is at least somewhat likely the Democratic nomination will remain unresolved until the Democratic convention in August. Fifty-two percent (52%) of all Democrats believe that a decision at the convention is Very Likely.
Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters say that Barack Obama would be the stronger general election candidate against John McCain. Thirty-five percent (35%) say Clinton would provide the bigger challenge. Among Democratic voters, 47% say Obama would be the stronger candidate while 42% say Clinton. Both Democrats currently trail John McCain nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
Fifty-four percent (54%) of all voters say that Obama is likely to win the nomination. Twenty-four percent (24%) say Clinton is the likely nominee while 22% are not sure. Among Democrats 52% expect Obama to win while 28% say Clinton.
Overall, the race for the White House remains very competitive. The Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator shows Democrats leading in states with 200 Electoral Votes while the GOP has the advantage in states with 189. When “leaners” are added, the Democrats lead 247 to 240. A Rasmussen Reports video analysis notes that while John McCain has had a great month of March, it takes a good day in November to win the White House.
Let North Carolina Vote!
My letter to Senator Leahy
Sen. Leahy,
As a longtime financial supporter of local Democrats, the DNC, and the DCCC, I find it troubling that you and other leaders of the Democratic Party are attempting to unduly influence our elections in North Carolina. Your recent call for Sen. Hillary Clinton to pull out of the race for the presidency is destructive to our democratic process.
It is leaders like you and Howard Dean who are trying to disenfranchise voters who have yet to vote, and voters who have already voted. It is leaders like you who are destroying our Democratic Party. You are allowing Independents and Republicans to come into the Democratic Party "for a day" and cast a FALSE vote for Barack Obama in an attempt to subvert the actual will of the Democratic Party.
Let North Carolina voters vote.
If we, as a Party, were to award our Delegates in a "winner takes all" election, the FACT is that Hillary Clinton would already be our Nominee. This fact is telling of the fraud that you and other leaders are attempting to commit in this election.
I respectfully request that you refrain from ending this Primary, and refrain from calling for either candidate to pull out of this election process. Let our votes be counted. Let ALL our votes be counted, including Florida and Michigan, and all of the voters who have yet to vote in this Primary. Then let the Delegates VOTE for their choice for President. It is the will OF THE PEOPLE. NOT THE WILL OF THE DNC LEADERS!
Sen. Leahy,
As a longtime financial supporter of local Democrats, the DNC, and the DCCC, I find it troubling that you and other leaders of the Democratic Party are attempting to unduly influence our elections in North Carolina. Your recent call for Sen. Hillary Clinton to pull out of the race for the presidency is destructive to our democratic process.
It is leaders like you and Howard Dean who are trying to disenfranchise voters who have yet to vote, and voters who have already voted. It is leaders like you who are destroying our Democratic Party. You are allowing Independents and Republicans to come into the Democratic Party "for a day" and cast a FALSE vote for Barack Obama in an attempt to subvert the actual will of the Democratic Party.
Let North Carolina voters vote.
If we, as a Party, were to award our Delegates in a "winner takes all" election, the FACT is that Hillary Clinton would already be our Nominee. This fact is telling of the fraud that you and other leaders are attempting to commit in this election.
I respectfully request that you refrain from ending this Primary, and refrain from calling for either candidate to pull out of this election process. Let our votes be counted. Let ALL our votes be counted, including Florida and Michigan, and all of the voters who have yet to vote in this Primary. Then let the Delegates VOTE for their choice for President. It is the will OF THE PEOPLE. NOT THE WILL OF THE DNC LEADERS!
Objection to Bev Perdue's Endorsement of Barack Obama
My letter to North Carolina Lt. Governor, Beverly Perdue.
Mdme. Lt. Gov. Perdue,
As a longtime financial supporter of local Democrats, the DNC, and the DCCC, I find it troubling that you have chosen to support Sen. Barack Obama for President. It is becoming clearer to me that Independents and Republicans are influencing our Democratic Primary Process. Your including your name behind such a candidate is telling of your desire to simply have "change for change's sake."
At 37, I would still be considered a young voter by many standards. I take issue with the notion that Barack Obama is good change. I take issue with the notion that Barack Obama is supported by young people. If this were the basis for supporting a candidate for the President of the United States of America, we should simply hold an "American Idol"-style election for every young person to text in their vote.
This type of reasoning is absurd.
Based on your choice to support Barack Obama, I will not be "pulling the Democratic lever" in November.
Mdme. Lt. Gov. Perdue,
As a longtime financial supporter of local Democrats, the DNC, and the DCCC, I find it troubling that you have chosen to support Sen. Barack Obama for President. It is becoming clearer to me that Independents and Republicans are influencing our Democratic Primary Process. Your including your name behind such a candidate is telling of your desire to simply have "change for change's sake."
At 37, I would still be considered a young voter by many standards. I take issue with the notion that Barack Obama is good change. I take issue with the notion that Barack Obama is supported by young people. If this were the basis for supporting a candidate for the President of the United States of America, we should simply hold an "American Idol"-style election for every young person to text in their vote.
This type of reasoning is absurd.
Based on your choice to support Barack Obama, I will not be "pulling the Democratic lever" in November.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ending Nomination Process Un-Democratic and Un-American
Read the article: Hillary Tells Fox She’s Still In It To Win It
My Take:
We the people, which includes Florida and Michigan the last time I checked, want to elect a president! We the DEMOCRATS, want to nominate OUR choice. Enough with the Independents and Republicans trying to influence our nomination process.
Loyal DEMOCRATS support Hillary.
Loyal DEMOCRATS support Florida Voters and Delegates.
Loyal DEMOCRATS support Michigan Voters and Delegates.
And Loyal DEMOCRATS support allowing the nomination process to run through its entire course, which includes all 50 states and our territories, and FINALLY the Convention.
Any call to end this process is Un-Democratic and Un-American. Let ALL the people vote.
My Take:
We the people, which includes Florida and Michigan the last time I checked, want to elect a president! We the DEMOCRATS, want to nominate OUR choice. Enough with the Independents and Republicans trying to influence our nomination process.
Loyal DEMOCRATS support Hillary.
Loyal DEMOCRATS support Florida Voters and Delegates.
Loyal DEMOCRATS support Michigan Voters and Delegates.
And Loyal DEMOCRATS support allowing the nomination process to run through its entire course, which includes all 50 states and our territories, and FINALLY the Convention.
Any call to end this process is Un-Democratic and Un-American. Let ALL the people vote.
Rasmussen Survey: 62-Percent say "Let it go on!"
“Sixty-two percent said let it go on,” Clinton said, referring to a new Rasmussen survey that found that portion of Democrats aren’t ready for either candidate to leave the race. “That is what people are telling me. That is what we have to do. Let the voters have a chance to be heard. Nobody should be writing obituaries on this race, because it is a long way from being over.”
Read the article.
Read the article.
Poll: Clinton takes lead over Obama in National Poll
Read the Article
Hillary Clinton has reclaimed the lead from Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential race for the first time since early February, a new national poll out Thursday suggests.
In the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, Clinton holds a 7 point lead over the Illinois senator, 49 to 42 percent. That lead is outside the poll’s statistical margin of error of 3 points — the widest gap between the two candidates in weeks.
Hillary Clinton has reclaimed the lead from Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential race for the first time since early February, a new national poll out Thursday suggests.
In the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, Clinton holds a 7 point lead over the Illinois senator, 49 to 42 percent. That lead is outside the poll’s statistical margin of error of 3 points — the widest gap between the two candidates in weeks.
90,000 new voters have signed up to vote in the North Carolina Democratic primary
CNN: Democratic Voter Rolls Grow in North Carolina
Almost 90,000 new voters have signed up to vote in the North Carolina Democratic primary, which is semi-closed — meaning Democrats and unaffiliated voters can participate, but not Republicans.
Since the beginning of January, the number of registered Democrats in North Carolina has grown by over 40,000 voters, bringing the total number of Democrats in the state to 2,552,674. Almost half of those registered Democrats are African-American.
The tally of unaffiliated voters grew by more than 30,000. There are now 1.2 million unaffiliated voters in the state who can participate in either party’s primary.
In the same three month period, the number of registered Republicans increased by a much smaller margin — just 15,000 people — bringing the total amount of GOP voters in the state to just over 1.9 million.
That’s not the only problem for the state Republican party.
A survey released by Pew Research last week showed that 26 percent of North Carolina registered voters now identify themselves as Republicans, down from 35 percent in 2004. The figure for Democrats has remained steady at 39 percent, according to the Pew survey.
Almost 90,000 new voters have signed up to vote in the North Carolina Democratic primary, which is semi-closed — meaning Democrats and unaffiliated voters can participate, but not Republicans.
Since the beginning of January, the number of registered Democrats in North Carolina has grown by over 40,000 voters, bringing the total number of Democrats in the state to 2,552,674. Almost half of those registered Democrats are African-American.
The tally of unaffiliated voters grew by more than 30,000. There are now 1.2 million unaffiliated voters in the state who can participate in either party’s primary.
In the same three month period, the number of registered Republicans increased by a much smaller margin — just 15,000 people — bringing the total amount of GOP voters in the state to just over 1.9 million.
That’s not the only problem for the state Republican party.
A survey released by Pew Research last week showed that 26 percent of North Carolina registered voters now identify themselves as Republicans, down from 35 percent in 2004. The figure for Democrats has remained steady at 39 percent, according to the Pew survey.
Bill Clinton: "Apparently it's okay to say bad things about a girl."
"I don't give a riff about all this name-calling that's going on. They've been going on ever since Iowa. I've heard them say all these things about her,” Bill Clinton said. “Apparently it's okay to say bad things about a girl."
Read Bill's defense of Hillary.
And DON'T FORGET, check out the comments of the readers. There's a few who disagree, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who wants to see everyone have a chance to vote. Here's a sample of reader comments:
The truth hurts March 26th, 2008 5:18 pm ET
"In spite of the best efforts of a lot of the elites in the media and other places it looks like we are gonna have an opportunity for everybody to vote in this primary, and I think your vote should be counted, don't you?
so does that mean if Hillary was ahead he wouldn't want to end the race because all votes need to be counted. Well come on back Joe Biden, John Edwards, and the rest of you guys - Bill Clinton said let you decide.
Dayahka March 26th, 2008 5:20 pm ET
He's right. Give people a chance to vote. At the end, however, on June 4, someone will be ahead; let that someone be the nominee.
Bob March 26th, 2008 5:22 pm ET
I love him. McCain wishes he could talk that straight.
Isaac, Wisconsin March 26th, 2008 5:22 pm ET
Keep up the good work Bill. Go Hillary Go Hillary…
Liz, Pittsburgh PA March 26th, 2008 5:22 pm ET
Go Bill !!!
This is why I love the Clinton's !!!
I have been saying this all along
let the best/toughest man or woman win!!!
Hillary '08
Democracy First March 26th, 2008 5:23 pm ET
The only people hurting the Democratic party are those who are trying to stop the process from continuing. No candidate has enough pledged delegates to win, so the process continues according to party rules. Every democrat should have a vote and those votes should be counted (including Florida and Michigan). People who are telling a candidate to drop out are circumventing the process and laying blame when there is no fault. Let's give democracy a chance. Stop trying to crown Obama when he has not won.
Thomas For Hillary March 26th, 2008 5:24 pm ET
Well said Bill, couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes I wonder if Hillary has more (you know what) than Obama. She is a warrior and fighter NOT A QUITTER. Go Hillary!!
Hillary 2008!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 / Show Your Support for Democrats
The role of PLEO Delegates is important to ensure that the "Democrat of Democrats" is elected as OUR Party's Nominee.
The inclusion of Independent and Republican voters into the process in many states must be tempered by our PLEO Delegates. They should be independent of any popular vote, since the popular vote is tainted with Independent and Republican voters.
Read More About PLEO (Public Leaders & Elected Officials ) / Super Delegates.
Show Your Support For Independence of Super Delegates.
The inclusion of Independent and Republican voters into the process in many states must be tempered by our PLEO Delegates. They should be independent of any popular vote, since the popular vote is tainted with Independent and Republican voters.
Read More About PLEO (Public Leaders & Elected Officials ) / Super Delegates.
Show Your Support For Independence of Super Delegates.
Gay Press Names Obama "Hypocrite of the Week"
Obama named ‘hypocrite of the week’
Behavior differences in S.C., Ohio, Texas cited
by Matt Comer
Q-Notes staff
LOS ANGELES — In late February, Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) presidential campaign announced it would be advertising in the local and regional LGBT press in Texas and Ohio, two key battleground states in the Democratic presidential primary.
The freshman senator from Illinois also penned an “open letter” to the LGBT community. In it, Obama wrote “I’m running for President to build an America that lives up to our founding promise of equality for all — a promise that extends to our gay brothers and sisters. It’s wrong to have millions of Americans living as second-class citizens in this nation.”
Duane Wells, a columnist with the site, isn’t too happy about Obama’s recent letter or his gay ad buys. In fact, Wells named Obama the “hypocrite of the week” on Feb. 29.
“Where was all this love, respect and concern for the gay community back in October 2007, when the junior Senator from Illinois was actively courting the conservative African-American vote in South Carolina with his pal and supporter, ex-gay minister Donnie McClurkin,” asked Wells. “Where were the ads in the local gay press in South Carolina talking about what a friend the Senator was to the LGBT community?”
In his column, Wells attributed the difference in Obama’s actions to conservative South Carolina, “an area where such pronouncements might not have been so well received by the stridently homophobic demographic whose support the Obama campaign needed to defeat Hillary Clinton in that state’s primary.”
The “ex-gay” Donnie McClurkin situation was closely watched by LGBT activists and community members across the Carolinas and the nation. Q-Notes covered the controversy last fall. For the Obama campaign, the South Carolina gospel tour turned into an unfortunate set of decisions that continues to haunt them in their interactions with the LGBT community.
Wells concluded his column by naming Obama “Hypocrite of the Week” and criticizing the candidate’s Texas and Ohio activities.
“Sorry Mr. Obama, this is where the rubber hits the road. Prior to your cowardly actions during the South Carolina primary, the LGBT community willingly accepted you at your word, believing that you would be a true friend, despite your limited record of support on gay and lesbian issues.
“But that was then and this is now.
“Because he did nothng when he was asked to take action on behalf of an issue of importance to the LGBT community, and yet now asks the LGBT community to accept him as a friend and support his political ambitions in Texas and Ohio, Senator Barack Obama is the Hypocrite of the Week.”
Behavior differences in S.C., Ohio, Texas cited
by Matt Comer
Q-Notes staff
LOS ANGELES — In late February, Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) presidential campaign announced it would be advertising in the local and regional LGBT press in Texas and Ohio, two key battleground states in the Democratic presidential primary.
The freshman senator from Illinois also penned an “open letter” to the LGBT community. In it, Obama wrote “I’m running for President to build an America that lives up to our founding promise of equality for all — a promise that extends to our gay brothers and sisters. It’s wrong to have millions of Americans living as second-class citizens in this nation.”
Duane Wells, a columnist with the site, isn’t too happy about Obama’s recent letter or his gay ad buys. In fact, Wells named Obama the “hypocrite of the week” on Feb. 29.
“Where was all this love, respect and concern for the gay community back in October 2007, when the junior Senator from Illinois was actively courting the conservative African-American vote in South Carolina with his pal and supporter, ex-gay minister Donnie McClurkin,” asked Wells. “Where were the ads in the local gay press in South Carolina talking about what a friend the Senator was to the LGBT community?”
In his column, Wells attributed the difference in Obama’s actions to conservative South Carolina, “an area where such pronouncements might not have been so well received by the stridently homophobic demographic whose support the Obama campaign needed to defeat Hillary Clinton in that state’s primary.”
The “ex-gay” Donnie McClurkin situation was closely watched by LGBT activists and community members across the Carolinas and the nation. Q-Notes covered the controversy last fall. For the Obama campaign, the South Carolina gospel tour turned into an unfortunate set of decisions that continues to haunt them in their interactions with the LGBT community.
Wells concluded his column by naming Obama “Hypocrite of the Week” and criticizing the candidate’s Texas and Ohio activities.
“Sorry Mr. Obama, this is where the rubber hits the road. Prior to your cowardly actions during the South Carolina primary, the LGBT community willingly accepted you at your word, believing that you would be a true friend, despite your limited record of support on gay and lesbian issues.
“But that was then and this is now.
“Because he did nothng when he was asked to take action on behalf of an issue of importance to the LGBT community, and yet now asks the LGBT community to accept him as a friend and support his political ambitions in Texas and Ohio, Senator Barack Obama is the Hypocrite of the Week.”
What did you do with YOUR lunch hour? I made 34 Calls for Hillary.
Wow, what a great lunch hour. I actually spoke to 7 of the 34 calls I made. One called said he wasn't voting because he was unemployed. What better reason TO VOTE? Or to use your time to volunteer! It gives good experience, and helps with networking. The other six voters I spoke to said they were "DEFINITELY SUPPORTING HILLARY." If I give an hour a day x 5 days a week x 4 weeks, I should be able to reach 600 voters (not including spouses in the same house). With every voter being important, it's easy to make a difference.
Jennie Walker Video: "It's Our Time" inspired by Hillary
Jennie Walker's Debut Music Video - "It's Our Time" inspired by Senator Hillary Clinton's win in New Hampshire. Co-written with Tommy Faragher, who also produced the song and the video.
The Charlote Observer: Letter to The Editor: Clinton Remains More Experienced
In reference to your article on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's recent off-the-cuff remarks regarding her Bosnian trip of 1996, you fail to reference the many news stories of the time which confirm the dangerous combat zone, and the fact that she was being "protected by sharpshooters..." and "by Black Hawk helicopter..." nor do you reference her previously printed and documented account of the same trip, where she acknowdeged meeting with the children shown in the video which is making the rounds on YouTube.
In her book, Clinton states, "Security conditions were constantly changing in the former Yugoslavia, and they had recently deteriorated again. Due to reports of snipers in the hills around the airstrip, we were forced to cut short an event on the tarmac with local children, though we did have time to meet them and their teachers and to learn how hard they had worked during the war to continue classes in any safe spot they could find."
A news account from the Washington Post on 3/26/1996 stated that the trip was in a dangerous combat zone: "This trip to Bosnia marks the first time since Roosevelt that a first lady has voyaged to a potential combat zone. During World War II, Roosevelt toured the devastated streets of London and the southwestern Pacific, bringing cheer to U.S. troops."
Likewise, The Charleston Gazette reported on the same date, "Protected by sharpshooters, Hillary Rodham Clinton swooped into a military zone by Black Hawk helicopter Monday to deliver a personal 'thank you, thank you, thank you' to U.S. troops. 'They're making a difference,' the first lady said of the 18,500 Americans working as peacekeepers in Bosnia. Mrs. Clinton became the first presidential spouse since Eleanor Roosevelt to make such an extensive trip into what can be considered a hostile area, though others have visited hot spots…"
The fact that she made this trip, among hundreds of others, continues to point to her extensive foreign policy experience.
In her book, Clinton states, "Security conditions were constantly changing in the former Yugoslavia, and they had recently deteriorated again. Due to reports of snipers in the hills around the airstrip, we were forced to cut short an event on the tarmac with local children, though we did have time to meet them and their teachers and to learn how hard they had worked during the war to continue classes in any safe spot they could find."
A news account from the Washington Post on 3/26/1996 stated that the trip was in a dangerous combat zone: "This trip to Bosnia marks the first time since Roosevelt that a first lady has voyaged to a potential combat zone. During World War II, Roosevelt toured the devastated streets of London and the southwestern Pacific, bringing cheer to U.S. troops."
Likewise, The Charleston Gazette reported on the same date, "Protected by sharpshooters, Hillary Rodham Clinton swooped into a military zone by Black Hawk helicopter Monday to deliver a personal 'thank you, thank you, thank you' to U.S. troops. 'They're making a difference,' the first lady said of the 18,500 Americans working as peacekeepers in Bosnia. Mrs. Clinton became the first presidential spouse since Eleanor Roosevelt to make such an extensive trip into what can be considered a hostile area, though others have visited hot spots…"
The fact that she made this trip, among hundreds of others, continues to point to her extensive foreign policy experience.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Governors Kerry, Kennedy, Patrick, Napolitano, Richardson IGNORE the WILL OF THIER CONSTITUENTS
MYTH: For Hillary to win, super delegates must "overturn the will of the people."
FACT: The race is virtually tied, the "will of the people" is split, and both candidates need super delegates to win.
The Obama campaign and Sen. Obama's surrogates have engaged in a sustained public relations effort to convince people that the election is over and that if super delegates perform their established role of choosing a candidate who they believe will make the best nominee and president, they are somehow "overturning the will of the people." They have the audacity to make this argument while quietly and systematically courting those very same super delegates. They are courting them because they know that Sen. Obama needs super delegates to win. The Obama spin is being parroted daily by pundits, but it is patently false. The race is virtually tied; the "will of the people" is split. By virtually every measure, Hillary and Sen. Obama are neck and neck -- separated by less than 130 of the more than 3,100 delegates committed thus far and less than 1% of the 27 million+ votes cast, including Florida and Michigan. Less than 1%.
An incremental advantage for one candidate or the other is hardly a reason for super delegates to change the rules mid-game. Despite the Obama campaign's aggressive spin and pressure, the RULES require super delegates to exercise their best independent judgment, and that is what they will do. Even Sen. Obama's top strategist agrees they should. If not, then why don't prominent Obama endorsers like Senators Kerry (MA) and Kennedy (MA), and Governors Patrick (MA), Napolitano (AZ) and Richardson (NM) follow the will of their constituents and switch their support to Hillary? After all, she won their states. And if this is truly about the "will of the people," then Sen. Obama's short-sighted tactic to run out the clock on a revote in Florida and Michigan accomplishes exactly two things: it disenfranchises Florida and Michigan's voters; and it hurts Democrats in a general election. Apparently, for the Obama campaign, the "will of the people" is just words.
From "Three Myths About the Democratic Race"
FACT: The race is virtually tied, the "will of the people" is split, and both candidates need super delegates to win.
The Obama campaign and Sen. Obama's surrogates have engaged in a sustained public relations effort to convince people that the election is over and that if super delegates perform their established role of choosing a candidate who they believe will make the best nominee and president, they are somehow "overturning the will of the people." They have the audacity to make this argument while quietly and systematically courting those very same super delegates. They are courting them because they know that Sen. Obama needs super delegates to win. The Obama spin is being parroted daily by pundits, but it is patently false. The race is virtually tied; the "will of the people" is split. By virtually every measure, Hillary and Sen. Obama are neck and neck -- separated by less than 130 of the more than 3,100 delegates committed thus far and less than 1% of the 27 million+ votes cast, including Florida and Michigan. Less than 1%.
An incremental advantage for one candidate or the other is hardly a reason for super delegates to change the rules mid-game. Despite the Obama campaign's aggressive spin and pressure, the RULES require super delegates to exercise their best independent judgment, and that is what they will do. Even Sen. Obama's top strategist agrees they should. If not, then why don't prominent Obama endorsers like Senators Kerry (MA) and Kennedy (MA), and Governors Patrick (MA), Napolitano (AZ) and Richardson (NM) follow the will of their constituents and switch their support to Hillary? After all, she won their states. And if this is truly about the "will of the people," then Sen. Obama's short-sighted tactic to run out the clock on a revote in Florida and Michigan accomplishes exactly two things: it disenfranchises Florida and Michigan's voters; and it hurts Democrats in a general election. Apparently, for the Obama campaign, the "will of the people" is just words.
From "Three Myths About the Democratic Race"
Hillary: Strength of Character, Resilience, Faith in Voters
MYTH: The delegate "math" works decisively against Hillary.
FACT: The delegate math reflects an extremely close race that either candidate can win.
"The Math" is actually very simple: with hundreds of delegates still uncommitted, NEITHER candidate has reached the number of delegates required to secure the nomination. And EITHER candidate can reach the required number in the coming weeks and months. That is indisputable. No amount of editorials, articles, blog posts, charts, graphs, calculations, formulas, or projections will change the basic fact that either candidate can win. Pundits who confidently proclaim that Hillary has no hope of winning because of "the math," have counted Hillary out of this race three times before. Each time they based their sober assessments on 'facts' and 'realities' -- and each time they were wrong.
In a campaign with dozens of unexpected twists and turns, bold prognostications should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. Look no further than Sen. Obama's "full assault" on Hillary's character to judge whether he thinks this election is over. The fact is this: Hillary and Sen. Obama are locked in a very close, hard-fought campaign and Hillary is demonstrating precisely the strength of character required of a president. Her resilience in the face of adversity, her faith in the voters, her capacity to rise to every challenge, are part of the reason she is the best general election candidate for Democrats. And it is why she is increasingly strong against John McCain in the polls at the same time that Sen. Obama is dropping against Sen. McCain.
From "Three Myths About the Democratic Race"
FACT: The delegate math reflects an extremely close race that either candidate can win.
"The Math" is actually very simple: with hundreds of delegates still uncommitted, NEITHER candidate has reached the number of delegates required to secure the nomination. And EITHER candidate can reach the required number in the coming weeks and months. That is indisputable. No amount of editorials, articles, blog posts, charts, graphs, calculations, formulas, or projections will change the basic fact that either candidate can win. Pundits who confidently proclaim that Hillary has no hope of winning because of "the math," have counted Hillary out of this race three times before. Each time they based their sober assessments on 'facts' and 'realities' -- and each time they were wrong.
In a campaign with dozens of unexpected twists and turns, bold prognostications should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. Look no further than Sen. Obama's "full assault" on Hillary's character to judge whether he thinks this election is over. The fact is this: Hillary and Sen. Obama are locked in a very close, hard-fought campaign and Hillary is demonstrating precisely the strength of character required of a president. Her resilience in the face of adversity, her faith in the voters, her capacity to rise to every challenge, are part of the reason she is the best general election candidate for Democrats. And it is why she is increasingly strong against John McCain in the polls at the same time that Sen. Obama is dropping against Sen. McCain.
From "Three Myths About the Democratic Race"
Obama Full Assault Smear Campaign Against Hillary
MYTH: Barack Obama is running a positive campaign that will unite Americans.
FACT: Barack Obama and his advisers have conducted a divisive "full assault" on Hillary's character.
While talking a lot about the politics of hope, change and unity, Sen. Obama and his campaign have been conducting a relentless and singularly personal assault on Hillary's character. They have blanketed big states with false negative mailers and radio ads and have described Hillary and her campaign as "disingenuous," "divisive," "untruthful," "dishonest," "polarizing," "calculating," "saying whatever it takes to win," "attempting to deceive the American people," "one of the most secretive in America," “deliberately misleading,” “literally willing to do anything to win,” and “playing politics with war."
This "full assault" on Hillary's integrity and character has reached a new peak since Hillary's victories on March 4th. One of Sen. Obama's top surrogates equated President Clinton with Joe McCarthy; another called Hillary a "monster;" and his campaign manager held an angry conference call claiming that Hillary is "deeply flawed" and has "character issues." That's neither unifying nor hopeful. If Sen. Obama really is the prohibitive favorite some say he is, these negative attacks make absolutely no sense. Why would a frontrunner seek to attack and divide? If Sen. Obama can't unify Democrats in a primary, how can he unify Americans in a general election?
From "Three Myths About the Democratic Race"
FACT: Barack Obama and his advisers have conducted a divisive "full assault" on Hillary's character.
While talking a lot about the politics of hope, change and unity, Sen. Obama and his campaign have been conducting a relentless and singularly personal assault on Hillary's character. They have blanketed big states with false negative mailers and radio ads and have described Hillary and her campaign as "disingenuous," "divisive," "untruthful," "dishonest," "polarizing," "calculating," "saying whatever it takes to win," "attempting to deceive the American people," "one of the most secretive in America," “deliberately misleading,” “literally willing to do anything to win,” and “playing politics with war."
This "full assault" on Hillary's integrity and character has reached a new peak since Hillary's victories on March 4th. One of Sen. Obama's top surrogates equated President Clinton with Joe McCarthy; another called Hillary a "monster;" and his campaign manager held an angry conference call claiming that Hillary is "deeply flawed" and has "character issues." That's neither unifying nor hopeful. If Sen. Obama really is the prohibitive favorite some say he is, these negative attacks make absolutely no sense. Why would a frontrunner seek to attack and divide? If Sen. Obama can't unify Democrats in a primary, how can he unify Americans in a general election?
From "Three Myths About the Democratic Race"
Clinton: Responsible End. Bring Troops Home. Promise To Keep.
Five years after the start of the war in Iraq, there have now been 4,000 U.S. military deaths in Iraq. On this solemn day, we remember the sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform. We honor the tens of thousands more who have suffered wounds both visible and invisible, wounds that scar bodies and minds, and hearts as well. We honor the sacrifices of their families, a price paid in empty places at the dinner table, in the struggle to raise children alone, in the wrenching reversal of parents burying children.
In the last five years, our soldiers have done everything we asked of them and more. They were asked to remove Saddam Hussein from power and bring him to justice and they did. They were asked to give the Iraqi people the opportunity for free and fair elections and they did. They were asked to give the Iraqi government the space and time for political reconciliation, and they did. So for every American soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice for this mission, we should imagine carved in stone: "They gave their life for the greatest gift one can give to a fellow human being, the gift of freedom."
I recall the great honor of meeting many of our brave men and women who have served our country. In meeting them, I am always struck by how, no matter how great their suffering, no matter how grave their own injuries, they always say the same thing to me: "Promise that you’ll take care of my buddies. They’re still over there. Promise you’ll keep them safe."
I have looked those men and women in the eye. I have made that promise. And I intend to honor it by bringing a responsible end to this war, and bringing our troops home safely.
-- Hillary Rodham Clinton, March 24, 2008
In the last five years, our soldiers have done everything we asked of them and more. They were asked to remove Saddam Hussein from power and bring him to justice and they did. They were asked to give the Iraqi people the opportunity for free and fair elections and they did. They were asked to give the Iraqi government the space and time for political reconciliation, and they did. So for every American soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice for this mission, we should imagine carved in stone: "They gave their life for the greatest gift one can give to a fellow human being, the gift of freedom."
I recall the great honor of meeting many of our brave men and women who have served our country. In meeting them, I am always struck by how, no matter how great their suffering, no matter how grave their own injuries, they always say the same thing to me: "Promise that you’ll take care of my buddies. They’re still over there. Promise you’ll keep them safe."
I have looked those men and women in the eye. I have made that promise. And I intend to honor it by bringing a responsible end to this war, and bringing our troops home safely.
-- Hillary Rodham Clinton, March 24, 2008
Clinton's Four Points: "Halt Foreclosures for Families"
Clinton Calls For Bold Action To Halt Housing Crisis
Plan Would Help Families Avoid Foreclosure And Unfreeze Mortgage Markets
Hillary Clinton delivered a major speech in Philadelphia today on the state of the American economy and announced a four-point plan to stem the tide of home foreclosures, which has been a key driver in the weakening economy. Her plan includes new action to help at-risk homeowners restructure their mortgages, the creation of a working group that would investigate ways to broadly restructure at-risk mortgages and report its findings in the next three weeks, an easing in legal liability for mortgage servicers to help unfreeze the mortgage market, and an additional $30 billion in stimulus to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
"Over the past week, we’ve seen unprecedented action to maintain confidence in our credit markets and head off a crisis for Wall Street Banks. It’s now time for equally aggressive action to help families avoid foreclosure and keep communities across this country from spiraling into recession," said Clinton. "The solution I’ve proposed is a sensible way for everyone - lenders, investors, mortgage companies and borrowers - to share responsibility, keep families in their homes, and stabilize our communities and our economy."
The plan she announced today builds on her previous proposals to address the housing crisis including, cracking down on unscrupulous mortgages lenders, establishing a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures, and freezing interest rates for five years on subprime mortgages.
In 2007, there were more than 34,000 foreclosure notices sent out in Pennsylvania. And at least 1.7 million Pennsylvania homes will lose value because of foreclosures in their neighborhoods.
Clinton has been calling for action on the foreclosure crisis for more than a year. Unfortunately, the Bush administration is only now willing to consider aggressive action. But the time for mere consideration has passed. Hillary Clinton believes that immediate, bold action is required to unfreeze our mortgage markets and help keep millions of families in their homes. The four-part plan to protect American homeowners and address the housing crisis is as follows:
New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. Senator Clinton believes we should extend the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) capacity to guarantee restructured mortgages as proposed by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd. She believes that using an FHA guarantee to encourage private sector auctions of large mortgage pools is the preferable way of unfreezing our struggling mortgage market. However, she announced today that the government should stand ready to play a more proactive role in purchasing, restructuring, and reselling underwater mortgages.
A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Hillary believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to determine the viability of the Dodd/Frank auction mechanism, or whether it will be necessary for the FHA or a similar entity to act as a temporary intermediary purchaser of mortgages. Therefore, she is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to address this question within the next three weeks. The group could be headed by eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin - each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race.
Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers who want to work with families are deterred out of fear of litigation. Senator Clinton is introducing legislation to provide them with legal protection when they act to help struggling homeowners to modify mortgages.
A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. After passing a $168 billion stimulus package with virtually no action to address the housing crisis that is driving down our economy, Senator Clinton is calling for a second, housing-focused stimulus package. She believes that if we can extend a $30 billion lifeline to avoid a crisis for Wall Street banks, we should extend at least $30 billion to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
Details on Senator Clinton’s Plan to Protect American Homeowners
1. New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. The share of mortgages entering foreclosures is at an all-time high and housing prices are falling at record rates. Already, 8.8 million Americans owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, the highest number since the Great Depression. If prices fall another 15 percent, one-third of all mortgages would be similarly "underwater." This trend threatens not only millions of families but the effective functioning of our credit markets as banks become less willing to make loans. The liquidity crunch is rippling through the economy, affecting everything from state and local tax revenues to student loans.
Under these circumstances, Hillary believes that we need broader and more aggressive action to help millions of Americans, who could responsibly pay monthly payments, by restructuring their mortgagees on affordable, sustainable terms. To this end, Hillary supports an approach recently outlined by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd in legislation that she has co-sponsored. This approach would expand the government’s capacity to guarantee affordable, restructured mortgages, and use a private-sector auction of large mortgage pools to help unfreeze our struggling mortgage market. This approach will give lenders new incentives to work with homeowners who have seen the value of their homes fall below the principal on their loans, and holds the potential to quickly restructure hundreds of thousands of viable mortgages and help bring an end to our credit crunch.
However, while Senator Clinton believes that using a private-sector auction mechanism is the preferred way to achieve this goal, she also recognizes that we may need even more aggressive efforts to facilitate broad-based mortgage restructuring and keep families in their homes. We can no longer allow ideology to stand in the way of helping at-risk homeowners. That is why Hillary is calling on the Federal Housing Administration or a similar government entity to stand ready to purchase, restructure, and resell underwater mortgages if a private-sector auction does not achieve the type of broad-based restructuring our housing market needs. Such an effort would not require creating new government bureaucracy and could be self-financing over the long run.
2. A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Senator Clinton believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to address key questions about how to best help millions of homeowners restructure their mortgages on affordable terms. She is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to consult with experts and report to Congress and the Administration within three weeks on the best way to solve this crisis while focusing first and foremost on keeping families in their homes.
The Working Group should be headed by a non-partisan group of eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin—each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race. The Working Group should focus on key questions about whether and how we can use an expanded FHA guarantee to facilitate a private sector auction as proposed in the Frank/Dodd legislation. If it is determined that such an auction process would be ineffective in achieving the necessary unlocking and restructuring of mortgages, the group should investigate a broader government role through the Federal Housing Administration or another existing federal entity as an intermediary purchaser if direct government intervention ultimately becomes necessary.
3. Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers are hesitant to undertake far-reaching restructuring efforts for fear of legal liabilities to investors who actually own the mortgage papers. Even though restructuring is often better for the bottom line than foreclosing, the absence of legal clarity surrounding servicers’ obligations to their investors discourages them from doing so. Consequently, servicers are wary of making themselves vulnerable to expensive lawsuits and have not aggressively pursued options for restructuring. Providing them with legal clarity will allow them to work openly with struggling homeowners to modify mortgages. This is a simple step that can save families’ homes, save investors from losses down the road, and help put the economy back on the right track.
Senator Clinton intends to introduce legislation to ensure that servicers who do the right thing by balancing the interests of the homeowners, the investors, and our economy will not face legal liability or negative tax consequences.
4. A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. Since Senator Clinton first called for emergency housing funds in January, there has been a growing recognition of the need for broader and more flexible tools to states and localities to stem the harmful effects of foreclosures. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently noted, clusters of foreclosures are negatively impacting entire communities.[1][1] For every empty house, nearby properties lose over 1.4 percent of their value. In a city like Chicago, this comes to a citywide loss of almost $1.4 billion - an average of $371,000 per foreclosure.[2][2] Concentrated foreclosures also reduce economic activity and tax revenue, threatening school funding and leaving localities unable to help struggling homeowners.[3][3] A study by the U.S. Council of Mayors found that the foreclosure crisis will be directly responsible for $6.5 billion in lost tax revenue and 524,000 fewer jobs across ten states.[4][4]
Senator Clinton’s $30 billion Emergency Housing Fund is designed to administer funds quickly and effectively to state, local and community groups to stem further foreclosures and counteract negative economic impacts in these communities. The fund will get money out quickly by using the existing funding formulas in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, rather than designing an entirely new set of allocation criteria. Local match requirements will be waived to ensure that funds flow out fast even in communities where the local tax base is contracting. Grants will be provided for one of several purposes, including:
Acquiring foreclosed or distressed properties, making improvements, and putting them back into productive use. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently argued, purchasing foreclosed properties is an effective way to avoid the negative impact of concentrated foreclosures in communities. Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund would allow local governments, non-profit organizations and land trusts to purchase and re-sell properties to lower-income borrowers or convert purchased units into affordable rental housing. Buyers who receive the benefit of a reduced price property with an affordable stable mortgage would be expected to pay back some of that benefit as the equity in their home rises. This would allow communities as a whole to profit from the collective efforts of forestalling a downward spiral in property values.
Offsetting the costs associated with keeping neighborhoods with high numbers of foreclosures safe and secure. Vacant properties encourage crime and vandalism and can impose new infrastructure and public safety costs on localities. In Lee County, Florida, for example, where a quarter of the homes stand empty, robberies are up 58 percent. [5][5] States could use these grants to help cover the cost, including increased police and fire support, and investments in lighting and maintaining public infrastructure to ward off blight.
Working with homeowners threatened with foreclosure to restructure their mortgages and providing foreclosure prevention services at the local level. Many states have undertaken efforts to better educate at-risk homeowners with toll-free hotlines, expanded financial counseling and community-based foreclosure prevention education campaigns. In addition, state housing agencies and community groups are working with limited resources to help families restructure at risk mortgages so they can stay in their homes. These efforts need more support, and would be eligible for assistance under Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund.
For over a year, Senator Clinton has been urging action to get out in front of the growing housing crisis. In March 2007, Senator Clinton warned of the growing problems in the subprime market, and called for a "foreclosure timeout" and common-sense regulations to protect borrowers. In August 2007, Senator Clinton outlined a series of reforms to crack down on unscrupulous mortgage lenders and correct oversight failures in the mortgage industry. In December of 2007, she called on the Administration to convene stakeholders and secure a voluntary agreement around a framework that would help keep families in their homes, which included:
A foreclosure moratorium of at least 90 days on subprime, owner-occupied homes. The moratorium would stop foreclosures until lenders and servicers have an opportunity to implement the freeze in mortgage rates. The moratorium would also give state and city organizations as well as community groups the necessary time to provide financial counseling to at-risk homeowners.
Freeze the monthly rate on subprime adjustable rate mortgages, with the freeze lasting at least 5 years or until the mortgages have been converted into affordable, fixed-rate loans. This would give the housing market time to stabilize, give families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes, and give mortgage industry time, and incentive, to convert mortgages that were designed to fail into loans that are actually affordable.
Plan Would Help Families Avoid Foreclosure And Unfreeze Mortgage Markets
Hillary Clinton delivered a major speech in Philadelphia today on the state of the American economy and announced a four-point plan to stem the tide of home foreclosures, which has been a key driver in the weakening economy. Her plan includes new action to help at-risk homeowners restructure their mortgages, the creation of a working group that would investigate ways to broadly restructure at-risk mortgages and report its findings in the next three weeks, an easing in legal liability for mortgage servicers to help unfreeze the mortgage market, and an additional $30 billion in stimulus to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
"Over the past week, we’ve seen unprecedented action to maintain confidence in our credit markets and head off a crisis for Wall Street Banks. It’s now time for equally aggressive action to help families avoid foreclosure and keep communities across this country from spiraling into recession," said Clinton. "The solution I’ve proposed is a sensible way for everyone - lenders, investors, mortgage companies and borrowers - to share responsibility, keep families in their homes, and stabilize our communities and our economy."
The plan she announced today builds on her previous proposals to address the housing crisis including, cracking down on unscrupulous mortgages lenders, establishing a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures, and freezing interest rates for five years on subprime mortgages.
In 2007, there were more than 34,000 foreclosure notices sent out in Pennsylvania. And at least 1.7 million Pennsylvania homes will lose value because of foreclosures in their neighborhoods.
Clinton has been calling for action on the foreclosure crisis for more than a year. Unfortunately, the Bush administration is only now willing to consider aggressive action. But the time for mere consideration has passed. Hillary Clinton believes that immediate, bold action is required to unfreeze our mortgage markets and help keep millions of families in their homes. The four-part plan to protect American homeowners and address the housing crisis is as follows:
New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. Senator Clinton believes we should extend the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) capacity to guarantee restructured mortgages as proposed by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd. She believes that using an FHA guarantee to encourage private sector auctions of large mortgage pools is the preferable way of unfreezing our struggling mortgage market. However, she announced today that the government should stand ready to play a more proactive role in purchasing, restructuring, and reselling underwater mortgages.
A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Hillary believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to determine the viability of the Dodd/Frank auction mechanism, or whether it will be necessary for the FHA or a similar entity to act as a temporary intermediary purchaser of mortgages. Therefore, she is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to address this question within the next three weeks. The group could be headed by eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin - each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race.
Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers who want to work with families are deterred out of fear of litigation. Senator Clinton is introducing legislation to provide them with legal protection when they act to help struggling homeowners to modify mortgages.
A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. After passing a $168 billion stimulus package with virtually no action to address the housing crisis that is driving down our economy, Senator Clinton is calling for a second, housing-focused stimulus package. She believes that if we can extend a $30 billion lifeline to avoid a crisis for Wall Street banks, we should extend at least $30 billion to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
Details on Senator Clinton’s Plan to Protect American Homeowners
1. New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. The share of mortgages entering foreclosures is at an all-time high and housing prices are falling at record rates. Already, 8.8 million Americans owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, the highest number since the Great Depression. If prices fall another 15 percent, one-third of all mortgages would be similarly "underwater." This trend threatens not only millions of families but the effective functioning of our credit markets as banks become less willing to make loans. The liquidity crunch is rippling through the economy, affecting everything from state and local tax revenues to student loans.
Under these circumstances, Hillary believes that we need broader and more aggressive action to help millions of Americans, who could responsibly pay monthly payments, by restructuring their mortgagees on affordable, sustainable terms. To this end, Hillary supports an approach recently outlined by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd in legislation that she has co-sponsored. This approach would expand the government’s capacity to guarantee affordable, restructured mortgages, and use a private-sector auction of large mortgage pools to help unfreeze our struggling mortgage market. This approach will give lenders new incentives to work with homeowners who have seen the value of their homes fall below the principal on their loans, and holds the potential to quickly restructure hundreds of thousands of viable mortgages and help bring an end to our credit crunch.
However, while Senator Clinton believes that using a private-sector auction mechanism is the preferred way to achieve this goal, she also recognizes that we may need even more aggressive efforts to facilitate broad-based mortgage restructuring and keep families in their homes. We can no longer allow ideology to stand in the way of helping at-risk homeowners. That is why Hillary is calling on the Federal Housing Administration or a similar government entity to stand ready to purchase, restructure, and resell underwater mortgages if a private-sector auction does not achieve the type of broad-based restructuring our housing market needs. Such an effort would not require creating new government bureaucracy and could be self-financing over the long run.
2. A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Senator Clinton believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to address key questions about how to best help millions of homeowners restructure their mortgages on affordable terms. She is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to consult with experts and report to Congress and the Administration within three weeks on the best way to solve this crisis while focusing first and foremost on keeping families in their homes.
The Working Group should be headed by a non-partisan group of eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin—each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race. The Working Group should focus on key questions about whether and how we can use an expanded FHA guarantee to facilitate a private sector auction as proposed in the Frank/Dodd legislation. If it is determined that such an auction process would be ineffective in achieving the necessary unlocking and restructuring of mortgages, the group should investigate a broader government role through the Federal Housing Administration or another existing federal entity as an intermediary purchaser if direct government intervention ultimately becomes necessary.
3. Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers are hesitant to undertake far-reaching restructuring efforts for fear of legal liabilities to investors who actually own the mortgage papers. Even though restructuring is often better for the bottom line than foreclosing, the absence of legal clarity surrounding servicers’ obligations to their investors discourages them from doing so. Consequently, servicers are wary of making themselves vulnerable to expensive lawsuits and have not aggressively pursued options for restructuring. Providing them with legal clarity will allow them to work openly with struggling homeowners to modify mortgages. This is a simple step that can save families’ homes, save investors from losses down the road, and help put the economy back on the right track.
Senator Clinton intends to introduce legislation to ensure that servicers who do the right thing by balancing the interests of the homeowners, the investors, and our economy will not face legal liability or negative tax consequences.
4. A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. Since Senator Clinton first called for emergency housing funds in January, there has been a growing recognition of the need for broader and more flexible tools to states and localities to stem the harmful effects of foreclosures. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently noted, clusters of foreclosures are negatively impacting entire communities.[1][1] For every empty house, nearby properties lose over 1.4 percent of their value. In a city like Chicago, this comes to a citywide loss of almost $1.4 billion - an average of $371,000 per foreclosure.[2][2] Concentrated foreclosures also reduce economic activity and tax revenue, threatening school funding and leaving localities unable to help struggling homeowners.[3][3] A study by the U.S. Council of Mayors found that the foreclosure crisis will be directly responsible for $6.5 billion in lost tax revenue and 524,000 fewer jobs across ten states.[4][4]
Senator Clinton’s $30 billion Emergency Housing Fund is designed to administer funds quickly and effectively to state, local and community groups to stem further foreclosures and counteract negative economic impacts in these communities. The fund will get money out quickly by using the existing funding formulas in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, rather than designing an entirely new set of allocation criteria. Local match requirements will be waived to ensure that funds flow out fast even in communities where the local tax base is contracting. Grants will be provided for one of several purposes, including:
Acquiring foreclosed or distressed properties, making improvements, and putting them back into productive use. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently argued, purchasing foreclosed properties is an effective way to avoid the negative impact of concentrated foreclosures in communities. Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund would allow local governments, non-profit organizations and land trusts to purchase and re-sell properties to lower-income borrowers or convert purchased units into affordable rental housing. Buyers who receive the benefit of a reduced price property with an affordable stable mortgage would be expected to pay back some of that benefit as the equity in their home rises. This would allow communities as a whole to profit from the collective efforts of forestalling a downward spiral in property values.
Offsetting the costs associated with keeping neighborhoods with high numbers of foreclosures safe and secure. Vacant properties encourage crime and vandalism and can impose new infrastructure and public safety costs on localities. In Lee County, Florida, for example, where a quarter of the homes stand empty, robberies are up 58 percent. [5][5] States could use these grants to help cover the cost, including increased police and fire support, and investments in lighting and maintaining public infrastructure to ward off blight.
Working with homeowners threatened with foreclosure to restructure their mortgages and providing foreclosure prevention services at the local level. Many states have undertaken efforts to better educate at-risk homeowners with toll-free hotlines, expanded financial counseling and community-based foreclosure prevention education campaigns. In addition, state housing agencies and community groups are working with limited resources to help families restructure at risk mortgages so they can stay in their homes. These efforts need more support, and would be eligible for assistance under Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund.
For over a year, Senator Clinton has been urging action to get out in front of the growing housing crisis. In March 2007, Senator Clinton warned of the growing problems in the subprime market, and called for a "foreclosure timeout" and common-sense regulations to protect borrowers. In August 2007, Senator Clinton outlined a series of reforms to crack down on unscrupulous mortgage lenders and correct oversight failures in the mortgage industry. In December of 2007, she called on the Administration to convene stakeholders and secure a voluntary agreement around a framework that would help keep families in their homes, which included:
A foreclosure moratorium of at least 90 days on subprime, owner-occupied homes. The moratorium would stop foreclosures until lenders and servicers have an opportunity to implement the freeze in mortgage rates. The moratorium would also give state and city organizations as well as community groups the necessary time to provide financial counseling to at-risk homeowners.
Freeze the monthly rate on subprime adjustable rate mortgages, with the freeze lasting at least 5 years or until the mortgages have been converted into affordable, fixed-rate loans. This would give the housing market time to stabilize, give families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes, and give mortgage industry time, and incentive, to convert mortgages that were designed to fail into loans that are actually affordable.
Clinton: "Freeze Interest Rates" in 2007! Obama STILL Opposes!
Hillary Clinton: Leadership on The Economy
Hillary called for a foreclosure timeout on March 15, 2007. In a speech to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Hillary calls for a "foreclosure timeout, during which borrowers will have the opportunity to put their financial houses in order and to work out a payment plan." [Speech, 3/15/07]
Bush administration follows Hillary's lead 11 months and 2.4 million foreclosures later. [USA Today, 2/12/08]
Hillary called for a five year freeze on interest rates on December 5, 2007. Hillary calls on the Administration to negotiate a freeze in interest rates of at least 5 years for all subprime mortgages to give the housing market time to stabilize and families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes. [CNN, 12/5/07]
Bush administration follows the next day with weaker proposal. [AP, 12/6/07]
Sen. Obama still opposes, placing him to the right of Bush administration. [Obama Release, 2/20/08]
Hillary called for a foreclosure timeout on March 15, 2007. In a speech to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Hillary calls for a "foreclosure timeout, during which borrowers will have the opportunity to put their financial houses in order and to work out a payment plan." [Speech, 3/15/07]
Bush administration follows Hillary's lead 11 months and 2.4 million foreclosures later. [USA Today, 2/12/08]
Hillary called for a five year freeze on interest rates on December 5, 2007. Hillary calls on the Administration to negotiate a freeze in interest rates of at least 5 years for all subprime mortgages to give the housing market time to stabilize and families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes. [CNN, 12/5/07]
Bush administration follows the next day with weaker proposal. [AP, 12/6/07]
Sen. Obama still opposes, placing him to the right of Bush administration. [Obama Release, 2/20/08]
Clinton Calls For Bold Action To Halt Housing Crisis
Plan Would Help Families Avoid Foreclosure And Unfreeze Mortgage Markets
Hillary Clinton delivered a major speech in Philadelphia today on the state of the American economy and announced a four-point plan to stem the tide of home foreclosures, which has been a key driver in the weakening economy. Her plan includes new action to help at-risk homeowners restructure their mortgages, the creation of a working group that would investigate ways to broadly restructure at-risk mortgages and report its findings in the next three weeks, an easing in legal liability for mortgage servicers to help unfreeze the mortgage market, and an additional $30 billion in stimulus to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
"Over the past week, we’ve seen unprecedented action to maintain confidence in our credit markets and head off a crisis for Wall Street Banks. It’s now time for equally aggressive action to help families avoid foreclosure and keep communities across this country from spiraling into recession," said Clinton. "The solution I’ve proposed is a sensible way for everyone - lenders, investors, mortgage companies and borrowers - to share responsibility, keep families in their homes, and stabilize our communities and our economy."
The plan she announced today builds on her previous proposals to address the housing crisis including, cracking down on unscrupulous mortgages lenders, establishing a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures, and freezing interest rates for five years on subprime mortgages.
In 2007, there were more than 34,000 foreclosure notices sent out in Pennsylvania. And at least 1.7 million Pennsylvania homes will lose value because of foreclosures in their neighborhoods.
Clinton has been calling for action on the foreclosure crisis for more than a year. Unfortunately, the Bush administration is only now willing to consider aggressive action. But the time for mere consideration has passed. Hillary Clinton believes that immediate, bold action is required to unfreeze our mortgage markets and help keep millions of families in their homes. The four-part plan to protect American homeowners and address the housing crisis is as follows:
New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. Senator Clinton believes we should extend the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) capacity to guarantee restructured mortgages as proposed by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd. She believes that using an FHA guarantee to encourage private sector auctions of large mortgage pools is the preferable way of unfreezing our struggling mortgage market. However, she announced today that the government should stand ready to play a more proactive role in purchasing, restructuring, and reselling underwater mortgages.
A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Hillary believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to determine the viability of the Dodd/Frank auction mechanism, or whether it will be necessary for the FHA or a similar entity to act as a temporary intermediary purchaser of mortgages. Therefore, she is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to address this question within the next three weeks. The group could be headed by eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin - each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race.
Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers who want to work with families are deterred out of fear of litigation. Senator Clinton is introducing legislation to provide them with legal protection when they act to help struggling homeowners to modify mortgages.
A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. After passing a $168 billion stimulus package with virtually no action to address the housing crisis that is driving down our economy, Senator Clinton is calling for a second, housing-focused stimulus package. She believes that if we can extend a $30 billion lifeline to avoid a crisis for Wall Street banks, we should extend at least $30 billion to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
Details on Senator Clinton’s Plan to Protect American Homeowners
1. New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. The share of mortgages entering foreclosures is at an all-time high and housing prices are falling at record rates. Already, 8.8 million Americans owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, the highest number since the Great Depression. If prices fall another 15 percent, one-third of all mortgages would be similarly "underwater." This trend threatens not only millions of families but the effective functioning of our credit markets as banks become less willing to make loans. The liquidity crunch is rippling through the economy, affecting everything from state and local tax revenues to student loans.
Under these circumstances, Hillary believes that we need broader and more aggressive action to help millions of Americans, who could responsibly pay monthly payments, by restructuring their mortgagees on affordable, sustainable terms. To this end, Hillary supports an approach recently outlined by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd in legislation that she has co-sponsored. This approach would expand the government’s capacity to guarantee affordable, restructured mortgages, and use a private-sector auction of large mortgage pools to help unfreeze our struggling mortgage market. This approach will give lenders new incentives to work with homeowners who have seen the value of their homes fall below the principal on their loans, and holds the potential to quickly restructure hundreds of thousands of viable mortgages and help bring an end to our credit crunch.
However, while Senator Clinton believes that using a private-sector auction mechanism is the preferred way to achieve this goal, she also recognizes that we may need even more aggressive efforts to facilitate broad-based mortgage restructuring and keep families in their homes. We can no longer allow ideology to stand in the way of helping at-risk homeowners. That is why Hillary is calling on the Federal Housing Administration or a similar government entity to stand ready to purchase, restructure, and resell underwater mortgages if a private-sector auction does not achieve the type of broad-based restructuring our housing market needs. Such an effort would not require creating new government bureaucracy and could be self-financing over the long run.
2. A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Senator Clinton believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to address key questions about how to best help millions of homeowners restructure their mortgages on affordable terms. She is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to consult with experts and report to Congress and the Administration within three weeks on the best way to solve this crisis while focusing first and foremost on keeping families in their homes.
The Working Group should be headed by a non-partisan group of eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin—each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race. The Working Group should focus on key questions about whether and how we can use an expanded FHA guarantee to facilitate a private sector auction as proposed in the Frank/Dodd legislation. If it is determined that such an auction process would be ineffective in achieving the necessary unlocking and restructuring of mortgages, the group should investigate a broader government role through the Federal Housing Administration or another existing federal entity as an intermediary purchaser if direct government intervention ultimately becomes necessary.
3. Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers are hesitant to undertake far-reaching restructuring efforts for fear of legal liabilities to investors who actually own the mortgage papers. Even though restructuring is often better for the bottom line than foreclosing, the absence of legal clarity surrounding servicers’ obligations to their investors discourages them from doing so. Consequently, servicers are wary of making themselves vulnerable to expensive lawsuits and have not aggressively pursued options for restructuring. Providing them with legal clarity will allow them to work openly with struggling homeowners to modify mortgages. This is a simple step that can save families’ homes, save investors from losses down the road, and help put the economy back on the right track.
Senator Clinton intends to introduce legislation to ensure that servicers who do the right thing by balancing the interests of the homeowners, the investors, and our economy will not face legal liability or negative tax consequences.
4. A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. Since Senator Clinton first called for emergency housing funds in January, there has been a growing recognition of the need for broader and more flexible tools to states and localities to stem the harmful effects of foreclosures. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently noted, clusters of foreclosures are negatively impacting entire communities.[1][1] For every empty house, nearby properties lose over 1.4 percent of their value. In a city like Chicago, this comes to a citywide loss of almost $1.4 billion - an average of $371,000 per foreclosure.[2][2] Concentrated foreclosures also reduce economic activity and tax revenue, threatening school funding and leaving localities unable to help struggling homeowners.[3][3] A study by the U.S. Council of Mayors found that the foreclosure crisis will be directly responsible for $6.5 billion in lost tax revenue and 524,000 fewer jobs across ten states.[4][4]
Senator Clinton’s $30 billion Emergency Housing Fund is designed to administer funds quickly and effectively to state, local and community groups to stem further foreclosures and counteract negative economic impacts in these communities. The fund will get money out quickly by using the existing funding formulas in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, rather than designing an entirely new set of allocation criteria. Local match requirements will be waived to ensure that funds flow out fast even in communities where the local tax base is contracting. Grants will be provided for one of several purposes, including:
Acquiring foreclosed or distressed properties, making improvements, and putting them back into productive use. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently argued, purchasing foreclosed properties is an effective way to avoid the negative impact of concentrated foreclosures in communities. Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund would allow local governments, non-profit organizations and land trusts to purchase and re-sell properties to lower-income borrowers or convert purchased units into affordable rental housing. Buyers who receive the benefit of a reduced price property with an affordable stable mortgage would be expected to pay back some of that benefit as the equity in their home rises. This would allow communities as a whole to profit from the collective efforts of forestalling a downward spiral in property values.
Offsetting the costs associated with keeping neighborhoods with high numbers of foreclosures safe and secure. Vacant properties encourage crime and vandalism and can impose new infrastructure and public safety costs on localities. In Lee County, Florida, for example, where a quarter of the homes stand empty, robberies are up 58 percent. [5][5] States could use these grants to help cover the cost, including increased police and fire support, and investments in lighting and maintaining public infrastructure to ward off blight.
Working with homeowners threatened with foreclosure to restructure their mortgages and providing foreclosure prevention services at the local level. Many states have undertaken efforts to better educate at-risk homeowners with toll-free hotlines, expanded financial counseling and community-based foreclosure prevention education campaigns. In addition, state housing agencies and community groups are working with limited resources to help families restructure at risk mortgages so they can stay in their homes. These efforts need more support, and would be eligible for assistance under Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund.
For over a year, Senator Clinton has been urging action to get out in front of the growing housing crisis. In March 2007, Senator Clinton warned of the growing problems in the subprime market, and called for a "foreclosure timeout" and common-sense regulations to protect borrowers. In August 2007, Senator Clinton outlined a series of reforms to crack down on unscrupulous mortgage lenders and correct oversight failures in the mortgage industry. In December of 2007, she called on the Administration to convene stakeholders and secure a voluntary agreement around a framework that would help keep families in their homes, which included:
A foreclosure moratorium of at least 90 days on subprime, owner-occupied homes. The moratorium would stop foreclosures until lenders and servicers have an opportunity to implement the freeze in mortgage rates. The moratorium would also give state and city organizations as well as community groups the necessary time to provide financial counseling to at-risk homeowners.
Freeze the monthly rate on subprime adjustable rate mortgages, with the freeze lasting at least 5 years or until the mortgages have been converted into affordable, fixed-rate loans. This would give the housing market time to stabilize, give families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes, and give mortgage industry time, and incentive, to convert mortgages that were designed to fail into loans that are actually affordable.
Hillary Clinton delivered a major speech in Philadelphia today on the state of the American economy and announced a four-point plan to stem the tide of home foreclosures, which has been a key driver in the weakening economy. Her plan includes new action to help at-risk homeowners restructure their mortgages, the creation of a working group that would investigate ways to broadly restructure at-risk mortgages and report its findings in the next three weeks, an easing in legal liability for mortgage servicers to help unfreeze the mortgage market, and an additional $30 billion in stimulus to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
"Over the past week, we’ve seen unprecedented action to maintain confidence in our credit markets and head off a crisis for Wall Street Banks. It’s now time for equally aggressive action to help families avoid foreclosure and keep communities across this country from spiraling into recession," said Clinton. "The solution I’ve proposed is a sensible way for everyone - lenders, investors, mortgage companies and borrowers - to share responsibility, keep families in their homes, and stabilize our communities and our economy."
The plan she announced today builds on her previous proposals to address the housing crisis including, cracking down on unscrupulous mortgages lenders, establishing a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures, and freezing interest rates for five years on subprime mortgages.
In 2007, there were more than 34,000 foreclosure notices sent out in Pennsylvania. And at least 1.7 million Pennsylvania homes will lose value because of foreclosures in their neighborhoods.
Clinton has been calling for action on the foreclosure crisis for more than a year. Unfortunately, the Bush administration is only now willing to consider aggressive action. But the time for mere consideration has passed. Hillary Clinton believes that immediate, bold action is required to unfreeze our mortgage markets and help keep millions of families in their homes. The four-part plan to protect American homeowners and address the housing crisis is as follows:
New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. Senator Clinton believes we should extend the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) capacity to guarantee restructured mortgages as proposed by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd. She believes that using an FHA guarantee to encourage private sector auctions of large mortgage pools is the preferable way of unfreezing our struggling mortgage market. However, she announced today that the government should stand ready to play a more proactive role in purchasing, restructuring, and reselling underwater mortgages.
A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Hillary believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to determine the viability of the Dodd/Frank auction mechanism, or whether it will be necessary for the FHA or a similar entity to act as a temporary intermediary purchaser of mortgages. Therefore, she is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to address this question within the next three weeks. The group could be headed by eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin - each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race.
Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers who want to work with families are deterred out of fear of litigation. Senator Clinton is introducing legislation to provide them with legal protection when they act to help struggling homeowners to modify mortgages.
A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. After passing a $168 billion stimulus package with virtually no action to address the housing crisis that is driving down our economy, Senator Clinton is calling for a second, housing-focused stimulus package. She believes that if we can extend a $30 billion lifeline to avoid a crisis for Wall Street banks, we should extend at least $30 billion to help states and localities fight foreclosures in their communities.
Details on Senator Clinton’s Plan to Protect American Homeowners
1. New Action to Help Millions of At-Risk Homeowners Restructure their Mortgages and Stay in Their Homes. The share of mortgages entering foreclosures is at an all-time high and housing prices are falling at record rates. Already, 8.8 million Americans owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, the highest number since the Great Depression. If prices fall another 15 percent, one-third of all mortgages would be similarly "underwater." This trend threatens not only millions of families but the effective functioning of our credit markets as banks become less willing to make loans. The liquidity crunch is rippling through the economy, affecting everything from state and local tax revenues to student loans.
Under these circumstances, Hillary believes that we need broader and more aggressive action to help millions of Americans, who could responsibly pay monthly payments, by restructuring their mortgagees on affordable, sustainable terms. To this end, Hillary supports an approach recently outlined by Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd in legislation that she has co-sponsored. This approach would expand the government’s capacity to guarantee affordable, restructured mortgages, and use a private-sector auction of large mortgage pools to help unfreeze our struggling mortgage market. This approach will give lenders new incentives to work with homeowners who have seen the value of their homes fall below the principal on their loans, and holds the potential to quickly restructure hundreds of thousands of viable mortgages and help bring an end to our credit crunch.
However, while Senator Clinton believes that using a private-sector auction mechanism is the preferred way to achieve this goal, she also recognizes that we may need even more aggressive efforts to facilitate broad-based mortgage restructuring and keep families in their homes. We can no longer allow ideology to stand in the way of helping at-risk homeowners. That is why Hillary is calling on the Federal Housing Administration or a similar government entity to stand ready to purchase, restructure, and resell underwater mortgages if a private-sector auction does not achieve the type of broad-based restructuring our housing market needs. Such an effort would not require creating new government bureaucracy and could be self-financing over the long run.
2. A High-Level Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to Investigate How to Achieve Broad Restructuring of At-Risk Mortgages. Senator Clinton believes we cannot afford to wait until Congress passes legislation to address key questions about how to best help millions of homeowners restructure their mortgages on affordable terms. She is calling on President Bush to appoint an Emergency Working Group on Foreclosures to consult with experts and report to Congress and the Administration within three weeks on the best way to solve this crisis while focusing first and foremost on keeping families in their homes.
The Working Group should be headed by a non-partisan group of eminent leaders like Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and Bob Rubin—each of whom supports one of the remaining candidates in the Presidential race. The Working Group should focus on key questions about whether and how we can use an expanded FHA guarantee to facilitate a private sector auction as proposed in the Frank/Dodd legislation. If it is determined that such an auction process would be ineffective in achieving the necessary unlocking and restructuring of mortgages, the group should investigate a broader government role through the Federal Housing Administration or another existing federal entity as an intermediary purchaser if direct government intervention ultimately becomes necessary.
3. Clarifying Legal Liability for Mortgage Servicers to Help Unfreeze the Mortgage Market. Many mortgage servicers are hesitant to undertake far-reaching restructuring efforts for fear of legal liabilities to investors who actually own the mortgage papers. Even though restructuring is often better for the bottom line than foreclosing, the absence of legal clarity surrounding servicers’ obligations to their investors discourages them from doing so. Consequently, servicers are wary of making themselves vulnerable to expensive lawsuits and have not aggressively pursued options for restructuring. Providing them with legal clarity will allow them to work openly with struggling homeowners to modify mortgages. This is a simple step that can save families’ homes, save investors from losses down the road, and help put the economy back on the right track.
Senator Clinton intends to introduce legislation to ensure that servicers who do the right thing by balancing the interests of the homeowners, the investors, and our economy will not face legal liability or negative tax consequences.
4. A New Housing Stimulus Package With at Least $30 Billion for States and Localities to Fight Concentrated Foreclosures. Since Senator Clinton first called for emergency housing funds in January, there has been a growing recognition of the need for broader and more flexible tools to states and localities to stem the harmful effects of foreclosures. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently noted, clusters of foreclosures are negatively impacting entire communities.[1][1] For every empty house, nearby properties lose over 1.4 percent of their value. In a city like Chicago, this comes to a citywide loss of almost $1.4 billion - an average of $371,000 per foreclosure.[2][2] Concentrated foreclosures also reduce economic activity and tax revenue, threatening school funding and leaving localities unable to help struggling homeowners.[3][3] A study by the U.S. Council of Mayors found that the foreclosure crisis will be directly responsible for $6.5 billion in lost tax revenue and 524,000 fewer jobs across ten states.[4][4]
Senator Clinton’s $30 billion Emergency Housing Fund is designed to administer funds quickly and effectively to state, local and community groups to stem further foreclosures and counteract negative economic impacts in these communities. The fund will get money out quickly by using the existing funding formulas in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, rather than designing an entirely new set of allocation criteria. Local match requirements will be waived to ensure that funds flow out fast even in communities where the local tax base is contracting. Grants will be provided for one of several purposes, including:
Acquiring foreclosed or distressed properties, making improvements, and putting them back into productive use. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recently argued, purchasing foreclosed properties is an effective way to avoid the negative impact of concentrated foreclosures in communities. Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund would allow local governments, non-profit organizations and land trusts to purchase and re-sell properties to lower-income borrowers or convert purchased units into affordable rental housing. Buyers who receive the benefit of a reduced price property with an affordable stable mortgage would be expected to pay back some of that benefit as the equity in their home rises. This would allow communities as a whole to profit from the collective efforts of forestalling a downward spiral in property values.
Offsetting the costs associated with keeping neighborhoods with high numbers of foreclosures safe and secure. Vacant properties encourage crime and vandalism and can impose new infrastructure and public safety costs on localities. In Lee County, Florida, for example, where a quarter of the homes stand empty, robberies are up 58 percent. [5][5] States could use these grants to help cover the cost, including increased police and fire support, and investments in lighting and maintaining public infrastructure to ward off blight.
Working with homeowners threatened with foreclosure to restructure their mortgages and providing foreclosure prevention services at the local level. Many states have undertaken efforts to better educate at-risk homeowners with toll-free hotlines, expanded financial counseling and community-based foreclosure prevention education campaigns. In addition, state housing agencies and community groups are working with limited resources to help families restructure at risk mortgages so they can stay in their homes. These efforts need more support, and would be eligible for assistance under Senator Clinton’s Emergency Housing Fund.
For over a year, Senator Clinton has been urging action to get out in front of the growing housing crisis. In March 2007, Senator Clinton warned of the growing problems in the subprime market, and called for a "foreclosure timeout" and common-sense regulations to protect borrowers. In August 2007, Senator Clinton outlined a series of reforms to crack down on unscrupulous mortgage lenders and correct oversight failures in the mortgage industry. In December of 2007, she called on the Administration to convene stakeholders and secure a voluntary agreement around a framework that would help keep families in their homes, which included:
A foreclosure moratorium of at least 90 days on subprime, owner-occupied homes. The moratorium would stop foreclosures until lenders and servicers have an opportunity to implement the freeze in mortgage rates. The moratorium would also give state and city organizations as well as community groups the necessary time to provide financial counseling to at-risk homeowners.
Freeze the monthly rate on subprime adjustable rate mortgages, with the freeze lasting at least 5 years or until the mortgages have been converted into affordable, fixed-rate loans. This would give the housing market time to stabilize, give families an opportunity to rebuild equity in their homes, and give mortgage industry time, and incentive, to convert mortgages that were designed to fail into loans that are actually affordable.
Hillary Targets Credit Crisis: BusinessWeek
She's stepping up with measures aimed at voters' pocketbook woes
by Jane Sasseen
by Jane Sasseen
Washington bureau chief for BusinessWeek.
When news of the Bear Stearns (BSC) fire sale hit on Mar. 17, it didn't take long for reaction to come in from the campaign trail. All three candidates—Republican John McCain and Democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—made statements that day supporting the need for swift action to ensure financial stability.
But only one mentioned she had talked that morning with Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. and the head of the New York Federal Reserve to get an update and pass along her views on the government-engineered deal. It was a small but telling move designed to highlight Clinton's contacts and knowledge of the issues at the heart of the crisis.
It won't be the last of such moves. On Mar. 20, Clinton called on Congress and the Bush Administration to pass a second stimulus bill targeted more directly toward helping struggling homeowners. She pledged a renewed push for an earlier plan that would provide $30 billion in funding to help blighted towns buy foreclosed or abandoned properties and counsel homeowners, and proposed an additional $10 billion to assist state agencies that refinance mortgages
"We've seen unprecedented Fed actions over the last several days to address the crisis on Wall Street, but nothing to address the crisis on Main Street," Clinton told Bloomberg, which first reported the news. Clinton plans to discuss the details of her stimulus plan in a speech on the economy set for Mar. 24. Further initiatives are likely in coming weeks.
The idea, of course, is to show voters exactly what Clinton would do to head off the crisis if she were in the White House. While her proposals are meant to provide a stark contrast to what many see as the too-slow approach of the Bush White House, that's hardly the only comparison her campaign would like voters to draw. The clear signal is that, unlike Senator Obama, she's got the experience and the plans to address America's economic woes.
As the U.S. faces its most severe financial crisis since the Depression, both Democratic campaigns are scrambling to figure out how the fallout will reshape the Presidential race. They will seize on the upheaval to display their bona fides when it comes to protecting ordinary citizens and their homes from recession and foreclosure.
With Clinton's emphasis on pragmatic plans and pocketbook issues, analysts say she could get a bump up if she can convince voters she's better prepared to handle the economy's deepening problems. With the next big primary set for Apr. 22 in Pennsylvania, "she's got five weeks to show she can really dominate this issue," says Daniel Clifton, a political analyst at investment firm Strategas Research Partners. "This could be a huge opportunity for her to rack up big margins."
So far, Clinton has done best with lower-income voters. But as the middle class comes to grips with declining house prices and 401(k) balances, and even layoffs, Clinton has a shot at broadening her reach—and denting Obama's appeal among the more affluent.
Obama's advisers say that he, too, is studying further plans to address the economy's problems, including measures to extend unemployment benefits and aid communities that have suffered a loss of tax revenues through foreclosures. Like Clinton, he backs congressional plans to refinance homeowners who need cheaper mortgages. "If conditions remain bad or worse, those are the things we'll push," says Heather Higginbottom, Obama's policy director.
The fight over Pennsylvania, which has a struggling industrial base, a large population of blue-collar workers, and rising foreclosures, will be critical. Even if Clinton tallies big victories in Pennsylvania or other remaining states, she will probably not emerge with a delegate lead. Yet by nurturing the perception that she's the one to save voters' jobs and homes, she could sway the critical superdelegates to her side. "Her only case is: I've got the lunch-bucket votes, and we can't win in November without them," says pollster John Zogby.
Foreclosures: Obama Takes Millions from Lenders
FACT CHECK: Sen. Obama Accepts Over $1 Million From Subprime Lending Industry
The Obama campaign’s response to the comprehensive plan Hillary laid out to address the housing crisis today was not to discuss their disagreement with her proposal but to assert that Hillary has received contributions from subprime loan companies.
Considering that Sen. Obama has received $1.18 million from subprime lenders and has taken more campaign contributions from the top ten issuers of subprime loans, that attack rings hollow as just words. Sen. Obama has a record of talking about standing up to special interests and then caving to their demands. Hillary has a 35-year record of standing up to special interests and delivering results.
Obama has taken $1,180,103 from the top issuers of subprime loans. []
Obama received $266,907 from Lehman. []
Obama received $5395 from GMAC. []
Obama received $150,850 from CS First Boston. []
Obama received $11,250 from Countrywide. []
Obama received $9052 from Washington Mutual. []
Obama received $161,850 from Citigroup. []
Obama received $4600 from CBASS. []
Obama received $170,050 from Morgan Stanley. []
Obama received $1150 from Centex. []
Obama received $351,900 from Goldman Sachs. []
Sen. Obama has taken more money from the top 10 issuers of subprime loans than Hillary. Sen. Obama has received $434,420 from the top 10 issuers of subprime loans. Hillary has received $364,950. [; USA Today]
The Obama campaign’s response to the comprehensive plan Hillary laid out to address the housing crisis today was not to discuss their disagreement with her proposal but to assert that Hillary has received contributions from subprime loan companies.
Considering that Sen. Obama has received $1.18 million from subprime lenders and has taken more campaign contributions from the top ten issuers of subprime loans, that attack rings hollow as just words. Sen. Obama has a record of talking about standing up to special interests and then caving to their demands. Hillary has a 35-year record of standing up to special interests and delivering results.
Obama has taken $1,180,103 from the top issuers of subprime loans. []
Obama received $266,907 from Lehman. []
Obama received $5395 from GMAC. []
Obama received $150,850 from CS First Boston. []
Obama received $11,250 from Countrywide. []
Obama received $9052 from Washington Mutual. []
Obama received $161,850 from Citigroup. []
Obama received $4600 from CBASS. []
Obama received $170,050 from Morgan Stanley. []
Obama received $1150 from Centex. []
Obama received $351,900 from Goldman Sachs. []
Sen. Obama has taken more money from the top 10 issuers of subprime loans than Hillary. Sen. Obama has received $434,420 from the top 10 issuers of subprime loans. Hillary has received $364,950. [; USA Today]
Saturday, March 22, 2008 : America's Best Choice
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