Thursday, April 24, 2008

Proven Leadership for true LGBT Equality: Hillary Clinton.

As First Lady and U.S. Senator, Hillary Clinton has championed efforts to improve the lives of LGBT Americans. Hillary's accomplishments on behalf of the LGBT community include:

Hillary fights against Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
In 2004 and in 2006, Hillary worked to defeat the FMA. As Chair of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee, she met with leaders of the LGBT community to create a smart strategy to stop FMA. Hillary won't stand for anyone trying to write discrimination into the Constitution.

Hillary supports Employment Non-Discrimination Amendment (ENDA)
Throughout her Senate career, Hillary has been an original cosponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would finally end employment discrimination against against gays, lesbians, transgendered individuals.

Hillary supports Anti-Hate Crimes Legislation
Hillary is an original cosponsor of the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which would provide additional resources to fight hate crimes.

Hillary fights for AIDS funding and access to services
Hillary wrote the Early Treatment for HIV Act, which expands access to vital treatment options for low-income individuals living with HIV, thus ensuring access to needed treatments before the disease progresses. She also fought to fully fund the Ryan White CARE Act to improve access to treatment and support for those living with this tragic disease.

Hillary supports equal benefits for federal employees
Hillary is an original cosponsor of the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligation Act, which would grant the same benefits, including health insurance, to domestic partners of federal employees as those offered to employees' legal spouses.

Hillary secured support for the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center
Hillary secured $500,000 for the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center in New York to support expansion and outreach efforts. This center provides HIV/AIDS and methamphetamine education and prevention to at risk individuals.

Hillary participated in numerous LGBT events
Hillary was the only First Lady to march in a Gay Pride Parade and has marched multiple times as Senator. She has spoken to LGBT audiences on numerous occasions, including delivering keynote addresses at events hosted by the Human Rights Campaign, Empire State Pride Agenda, PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) , GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis), and the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Of all the presidential candidates invited to address the Human Rights Campaign's Board Meeting and Equality Convention in March 2007, only Hillary accepted the invitation and addressed the HRC.

From Mr. Obama I hear visions of hope, allusions of inclusion, and claims to change. But I have not seen the history of any of these empty promises in looking at his record on LGBT issues. What I have seen is his promoting an ex-gay minister in South Carolina to incite hatred against gays and lesbians. Continually I have seen our issues relegated by Mr. Obama to marginal status instead of inclusion as a matter of basic Civil Rights. What has he done for his LGBT Constituents in his home state or in the Senate? There is no record of any support for our community. It's tempting to look for change in a shiny new penny, but in the end it doesn't get you very far.

We need a President who sees LGBT issues as basic Civil Rights. We need a President who sees LGBT Americans as worthy to be included in the American Dream. We need a President who has proven her support for LGBT issues. We need a President who will support Civil Unions, giving our families the same respect under the law as every other American family. We need a President who will pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. We need a President who will pass Federal Hate Crimes Legislation. We need a President who will end the discrimination of the military Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. We need a President who will deliver Universal Health Care for All Americans. This President is Hillary Clinton.

We are tired of hoping and waiting for equality. Hillary Clinton is more than hope. She is committed to work with our LGBT community and her allies in Congress to change laws. She's proven she can get laws passed. She's proven she supports our issues. She knows that by working together, we can stand united for equality.

As a gay North Carolinian, I have fully experienced the hatred of Jesse Helms, Ronald Reagan and the Bush Dynasty. Unlike any time in our history as LGBT North Carolinians, this Tuesday we have the opportunity to actually make our votes count.

In the race for the Democratic Nomination, the popular vote is important. Your vote will make an impact on your rights. Your vote is a WIN for our community. With nearly 900,000 LGBT Voters in North Carolina, it's time to make our voice heard. It's time to elect our friend Hillary Clinton for President.

The preceding is an Op-Ed article submitted to Q-Notes, the Carolinas' gay and lesbian news source.

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