Wednesday, April 2, 2008

CNN: Dems meeting again with Dean

Read the article.

My take:

Howard Dean needs to show some leadership. These voter situations, and the way he has handled them make me so glad that he was not our nominee for President. His obvious bias toward Obama is beginning to show, and that's reason enough for me not to vote for the guy.

It's plain and simple. If the tables were reversed I would give Hillary as much grief if she were to take the position that Florida votes should not count– be we know from her record that she supports voter participation. So it is no surprise to me that she and her supporters are in favor of counting the votes.

Supposedly Sen. Obama is a strong advocate for voter participation, from his days as a "community organizer" and as an attorney with expertise on "Constitutional Law." So, where is his leadership on this issue. If he's so confident that the will of the people is for him to be named the Democratic Nominee, then why is he not pushing for all votes to be counted?

Sen. Obama knows that he is being ushered into the Democratic Nomination by supressing the votes of Democrats, by encouraging participation of Independents, and by illegally registering Republicans to vote as "Democrats-for-a-Day". This is NOT the Democratic Party's glory day. This is shameful. Shame on Howard Dean.

And shame on Al Gore and John Kerry and John Edwards for not coming out in support of Florida Voters. They should have fought for them before, and they are not fighting for them now.

Be careful of electing a man such as Sen. Obama who will say anything and do anything to get elected, but when it comes time to actually fulfill his campaign promises, will flip-flop on issues "so dear to his heart."

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